Monday, April 6, 2015

Like the Dawn

"Moses said God knew Adam was lonely...but he did not create Eve directly after He stated Adam was lonely. This struck me as funny, because a lot of times when I think about life before the fall, I don't think of people going around being lonely. But the thought also comforted me, because I realized loneliness in my own life doesn't mean I am a screw up, rather that God made me this way...when God saw this, He did not create Eve immediately. He did not give Adam what he needed right away. He waited. He told Adam to name the animals... And then I thought how beautiful it was that God made Adam work for so long because there is no way. after a hundred years of being alone, looking for somebody whom you could connect with in your soul, that you would take advantage of a woman once you met one. She would be the most precious creation in all the world, and you would probably wake up every morning and look at her and wonder..."